Multiplayer Asteroids

By: Derek Yu

On: November 13th, 2006

Multiplayer Asteroids

But… where are the actual asteroids? No matter, it’s still a fun little online deathmatch game that’s easy as pie to set up. Just pop in your username and you’re directed to a random room (reload if you end up in an empty room).

Arrow keys move and Spacebar shoots. Press Enter to chat. Green items power up your gun, the red cross heals you (Ctrl to activate), and the white circle is shield (Ctrl also).

Had a nice chat in-game with the guy who wrote the flash client, incidentally.

(Source: 4cr)

  • ithamore

    That was fun. My old school Asteroid tactics weren’t good enough to keep me alive at first. The pace is much faster and more maneuvering is required. Developing some quick circular moves helped me though.

    It would be interesting if they made a version with asteroids in it, but they’d need a much larger playing field. It’s already pretty frantic.

  • Derek

    I thought I saw someone (purple in the screenshot) teleporting around, but it might have been lag / some other technical glitch…

  • Eric Vaughn

    Tell me if you see me in there, my name is “Christ Fuck Dahmer”

  • trav

    what a wonderful time for the web proxy to pack it in >_<

  • Master Mark

    That was insanely fun! Online Multiplayer Flash games are the best.

  • trav

    I keep getting server full… Is it really that popular? or is it trying to establish a connection that ignores the browsers proxy rules?

  • BMcC

    I keep dying!