Posts from ‘Platformers’ Category

Tormishire Trailer

By: Shabadage

On: August 18th, 2008

James is hard at work on his new game Tormishire, a rather nice looking Metroidvania-styled game. For those unfamiliar, James is the creator of the game Satan Sam that made rounds on the internet a few years back.

“How does that tie in?” you may ask.

“Why it’s a spiritual sequel, and it’s not already on TIGS! I also felt that this post was very short!”

Fortunately, for those of you UNFAMILIAR with Satan Sam, you can find it at his site here!! Trailer goodness time!

James’s Blog!

Iji Trailer

By: Derek Yu

On: August 10th, 2008

Daniel Remar, who is well-known for Castle of Elite, Hero, and Garden Gnome Carnage, has just released a trailer for Iji, his latest project. Iji is a platformer that’s reminiscent of Out of This World and Flashback. The game is slated for a September 1st release and will be freeware.

Great video! I especially like the part where the Iji “sabotages” her opponent’s gun. Makes me wonder what else she can do with her hacking skills!

(Source: Tim, via the blog)

TIGdb: Entry for Daniel Remar

Treasure Treasure

By: Derek Yu

On: August 10th, 2008

Treasure Treasure

The world needs more awesome co-op games like Ishisoft’s Treasure Treasure, a cute split-screen puzzle platformer that’s made for two players on one keyboard. Guide Trixie and Troy through the castle and find the 20 treasure chests hidden throughout. It’s actually possible to beat the game alone, by switching from character to character, but where’s the fun in that? This game is about love and teamwork!

This game is so frickin’ adorable – it slays me.

TIGdb: Entry for Treasure Treasure


By: Sick Panda

On: August 6th, 2008

Sick Panda

Hello, gentlemannz. Is me, Sick Panda, reporting live from doctor’s offices on laptop MacintoshBook Pro, donate by Chinese governments. Doctors tells me ever-thing gonna be okay, but I must stop barffing on them.

Anyway, I tell you right now Braid is here. On XBOX live arcade and mebbe soon on the PC computers too.

Eurogamer give ten out of ten review, say:

I almost never give out full marks, generally reserving that honour for retro games that have proven their worth many times over, but Braid has me in its spell. Judged purely as a game, it’s cunning, ingenious and endlessly surprising. …But there’s so much more here, a desire to create a game experience that is more than mere technical craft.

Also, XBOX World give ten out of ten review, too, and also say:

In a world without Mario and Valve and the Bethesda hit factory Braid is indeed the best game ever made; in this world, it’s among the best games of the generation, and is unquestionably and immediately the best game ever to have been released on Xbox Live Arcade.

Also, Derek play preview of game and say is good game also, he say:

Yes, of course Braid is awesome! Now go back to sleep!

Is must be a pretty good game, then! Go play if you can. Sick Panda can no play. Okay, gentlemanns, thank you for your time and this is the very Sick Panda signing off until next time!!! (Thank you Mr. Yu for making link and quote.)

TIGdb: Entry for Braid

Final Ninja

By: Derek Yu

On: July 29th, 2008

Final Ninja

Final Ninja is a new platformer by the same guys that made Dirk Valentine and the Fortress of Steam. In the game you control a ninja who has ninja star grappling hooks. That’s right, ninja stars that are also grappling hooks!

Like Dirk, Final Ninja has a fun premise and looks great (love the “stealth” camo effect!), but also suffers from a lot of the same problems – relatively uninspired level design, repetitive graphics, and meaningless pickups. The game does pick up in the later levels, and at least the hand-holdy textual “hints” are fewer and far between (and less irritating), but overall, I was still disappointed. It’s not bad, it’s worth checking out… it could also be so much better.

This is obviously a trend with Nitrome games, which leads me to wish that they would stop making Flash games for the quick n’ dirty Miniclip audience. They really aren’t doing enough with their talent.

TIGdb: Entry for Final Ninja

I Was in the War

By: Derek Yu

On: July 24th, 2008

I Was in the War

I Was in the War (direct download) is a simple platformer by Bisse, made for the current Poppenkast 3-hour compo. The central mechanic in this game is that you can hit “A” to flip across the red line which acts as a two-sided platform (“S” to jump). Pretty awesome concept.

(Source: Tim, via the blog)

TIGdb: Entry for I Was in the War

Shift 3

By: Derek Yu

On: July 22nd, 2008

Shift 3

There’s a new Shift game out! In Shift the primary mechanic is being able to switch from black to white, turning platforms and walls into walkable space and so forth. Conceptually, the game bears more than a passing resemblance to Portal and Negative Space/Yin Yang, but… maybe we shouldn’t even go there! It’s a fun, mind-bending game that stands on its own merit.

Whereas in the previous games you progressed linearly from room-to-room, Shift 3 lets you go back and forth. And your actions in some rooms will affect other rooms. This game also delves into the story a bit more, provided that you take the time to read the clues!

(Source: Alex Meerkat, via Razor, Placenta, Shopping Cart <3)

TIGdb: Entry for Shift 3


By: Derek Yu

On: July 18th, 2008


Okay, Destructivator, by Pug Fugly Games, is just badass. The premise is simple enough – clear each of the 20 levels of enemies to win. But the game is just so freakin’ fast-paced that is feels like you’re on something. In most games, when the developers want to show that you have “heightened senses,” they slow down the enemies and your character moves at a normal pace. In this game you just have to keep up with yourself. Fortunately, you’re armed with a gun that fires appropriately rapidly (although not when you’re in mid-air). I love the way the bullets zip across the screen.

Tough game. Fast game. Good game. Goodnight!

TIGdb: Entry for Destructivator

(Source: Tim, via the blog)


By: Derek Yu

On: July 16th, 2008


messhof’s latest game, Cowboyana, debuted last night at Light Industry in Brooklyn, New York. The game, which is set in the Old Pixelly West, is strictly a two-player same-computer kinda affair, so if you want to enjoy it you’d best find a friend to play with. Or perhaps an enemy? In Cowboyana you’ll be both – as the game moves from scene to scene, you’ll alternately find yourself fighting alongside your pal and trying to shoot him. Other times you’ll work together to pour whiskey shots. The game goes on indefinitely, but what happens in one scene can determine how later scenes play out. Get shot, and you may even end up as a horse!

As the game muses:

Hard to talk, drunk
Hard to walk
Hard to kill your buddy

Cowboyana oozes all kinds of Old West style and grit – I daresay more than any other cowboy game I’ve ever played. It also seems particularly well-tuned for same-room multiplay, although I’ll have to get my buddies over here before I can test that theory. In the meantime, you can read auntie pixelante’s thoughts on the game. She was at Light Industry last night playing it the way it was meant to be played!

TIGdb: Entry for Cowboyana


By: Derek Yu

On: July 15th, 2008

Deaths - Jesse Venbrux

Deaths is a simple platformer where the last 50 deaths from all of its players are loaded into the game. Your own corpses, and the corpses of people you will never meet, are strewn about its six short levels and can be stepped on and used as platforms. The game, which is labeled as “demo,” is a successful proof of concept, and here’s hoping that its creator, Jesse “2dcube” Venbrux, decides to expand on it.

Jesse, who’s also responsible for Execution and the Karoshi series of games, obviously has a fixation on death (in video games). Well, I should mention Frozzd and Mubbly Tower, too, lest you think that’s is all he thinks about. But in any case, I’m really glad people are spending time exploring the concept and our perceptions of it. Morbidity FTW!

(Source: Tim, via the blog)

TIGdb: Entry for Deaths