Driftmoon Preview

By: Derek Yu

On: November 26th, 2009

Driftmoon is a new top-down RPG project by Ville Mönkkönen, the creator of the survival game Notrium. Although it’s early in development, there is a playable preview (35 MB) of the game available from the game’s website. Driftmoon is in the final round of the second 2BeeGames competition.

There are some neat things about the preview. For one thing, the graphics are nice. I also like the way you can push and drag objects around and the Notrium-inspired survival elements are cool, too. The dialogue, leveling system, and puzzles feel a bit tacked-on, but hey, it’s just a preview! And it’s fun, besides.

  • Michal

    Do you know if this game will be freeware?

  • Derek

    I believe it will be shareware.

  • UDM

    Nice. I enjoy Ville’s games, even if most of them are a bit simplistic, but I had a real blast with Bikez II.

  • negative zero

    That’s looking pretty cool. reminds me of the elder scrolls games. i do wish the combat looked a bit more exciting and had more depth tho…it’s looking a little too static for me. better animations and an ability to block, dodge and/or parry would make it awesome.

  • Ville Mönkkönen

    Thanks for the nice comments Derek!

    Don’t worry, the combat is already better in the actual playable preview than on the video, and it’s next on my things to do to improve it further. If you have ideas on how to improve the combat once you’ve played it, I’m definitely interested in hearing them. :)

  • Krux

    It is ugly.

  • Catweazel80

    Notrium was Cool :-) Hope this will be even better, crossing fingers ;-)

  • madrain

    I like how you look like a dork in this game, with hair parted straight down the middle and what almost looks like a bowling shirt on. Who says protagonists should always be handsome, cool, or interesting to look at!

  • doctorfrog

    In the first few seconds, I thought, “Boy, that sure looks like Notrium!” Notrium is one of those games that hangs around on my computer, but once I start to play it, I immediately get kind of lost. I love the fact that Notrium seems to be based heavily on exploration and survival, but danged if I can last long enough to learn much.

  • Dodger

    This looks very good. Considering there’s only a preview build of the game I’d say this is off to a great start. I wonder, will there only be one pet in the game or a variety to find, summon, choose from?? I love the large inventory space as well, a good sign that there will be plenty of loot to find! Definitely going to keep an eye on this one.

  • Al3xand3r

    I do wonder what kind of one-man-indie-games people play to find this ugly. It looks pretty charming to me, and I do have a passion for indie games. Especially when it comes to RPGs, this seems to be of the better looking titles, with the exception of things like Age of Decadence which have full development teams.

  • Al3xand3r

    Not that visuals are the defining factor or anything, but Notrium looked and played great and this appears to follow that pattern.

  • Ezuku

    Addresses one of notrium’s main flaws, very hard to get into and little guidance. Looks fantastic actually.

    Incidentally, -2 con for skipping the thing seems pretty brutal.

  • Ville Mönkkönen

    I think the couple of troll comments are fans of competing games from the 2BeeGames competition we’re in. There’s a fair bit of words flying on all sides.

    Thanks for the comments everyone! We’re very eager to continue with the game and address the flaws that have been found. I was kind of shy to show the preview at first, but it’s nice to see that it’s being received so well.

    PS. The character looks a fair bit like me from above. :)

  • Dodger

    @Ville Monkkonen,

    Don’t know why people would leave negative comments anyway. Instead of just being negative, those people could show they have half a brain and perhaps add some constructive criticism instead of being total dillweeds. Nobody HAS to like a game if they don’t want to, but since the majority of people that comment here are fairly intelligent people, those few turd brains that do leave lame-ass, one track, completely negative and unintelligent comments usually stand out like morons because more often then not they’re in great need of attention. Don’t let the redundant ones bother you though. If you do come across constructive criticism, just remember that even though sometimes criticism (the constructive kind) is sometimes hard to take, it does show an interest in your work and that people were being thoughtful with their opinions about the game – perhaps there’s a clever way to appeal to their changes without changing the game you want to make, or perhaps not. The least it can do is help you better understand what YOU want the game to be or where you don’t want it to go, in terms of development.

    I really like the looks of Driftmoon so far though and I hope the final product impresses me even more. Keep it up!

  • Ville Mönkkönen

    Thanks Dodger! That’s a good view on criticism, and definitely lifte my spirits. I’ve been making indie games for 11 years now, so I’ve had my fair share. :)

  • negative zero

    Just played the preview for a bit. the combat’s interesting, tho i’m not sure if such action elements would be possible to incorporate now, since the game’s combat is very much like diablo.

    Perhaps you can make it so that you can attack anytime by holding down the left mouse button, without having to constantly click on enemies. and interacting with objects/people/etc can still be by clicking on them when the mouse hovers over and changes.

    I understand how the controls are setup in a way to let you play the game completely with a mouse, but you could also move forward in the game by just holding the right mouse button, so having both buttons capable of the same thing feels a bit redundant.

    Making the game more action oriented would be a huge plus imho. atm, it’s very much ‘click on the target as quick as you can till it dies’, with the only tactical element being swapping your attacks to cater for certain enemies and using items when needed, with the pause function being the only saving grace when things get heated. a more streamlined combat system would do the game wonders, with the ability to block or parry or dodge attacks thrown in to spice the combat up, with a refillable stamina meter to moderate all combat actions. this way, each fight will feel like it’s own ‘mini game’, and not a mindless/casual click fest.

    I like how you can change your attack types based on what’s equipped (slap, stab, kick, etc), tho i found using the ‘f’ buttons a bit sluggish if you wanted players to switch their attacks in the heat of battle without letting go of the movement controls. the hotkeys that you want most used should be closest to each other…kinda like how most FPS games generally have theirs near the movement keys.

    Also, the walk animations of the npcs feel a bit slow. some shoulder movement would do well too.

    Anyway, this is mainly my own personal opinion, but i do hope it’s been helpful. the game’s looking quite interesting nonetheless. keep it up!

  • jay


    age of decadence isn’t a full team, it’s only like 3 or 4 people working in their spare time

  • Al3xand3r

    Right. Then again they’re going at a snail’s pace. Not that I’m complaining, I can’t wait for that game. Er. Yeah!

  • xxxxxx)

    is it just me, or does it feel really akward and annoying to watch a game from top down view?
    it just feels really unnatural and uncomfortable

  • madrain

    I like the topdown view. A lot easier for me to handle than the weird perspective from the Ultima games, anyways.

    I think it’s funny how some people react to “negative” comments. If someone thinks the game is ugly, they aren’t necessarily a troll. On the other hand, if you believe a game is immune from criticism simply because it doesn’t have a billion dollar budget, perhaps you need to mature your worldview a little bit.

  • KrazyKain

    oh wow, i used to be a huge fan of Ville.. :) I look forward to this game.

  • KrazyKain


    theres constructive critcism, then theres “it’s ugly”

    By no means should indie games be looked at with lower standards, but they DO need to be looked at with understanding of the limited budget.. my point being, as far as gameplay and originality, most indie games can stand up to commercial titles (and with originality, more often then not, surpass them) but they arent going to have the same graphics or fancyness to them.

    Gametrailers.com comes to mind when i think of people who dont understand that concept…

  • Ville Mönkkönen

    @negative zero
    Good pointers, thank you! The combat interface does need some work, I personally don’t like that you have to constantly switch weapons for different enemies.

    I guess the viewpoint is a matter of personal preference. It used to be the other way around back when the fancy new 3D games came, everybody was complaining about how it felt unnatural to control them. As for me, I’ve chosen top-down because it’s easier to make, there aren’t many other top-down games available, and most of all because I like it. :)