Get Lost

By: Terry

On: April 3rd, 2008


The creator of Which Way Adventure has another flash based Choose Your Own Adventure game out, entitled Get Lost. It seems to have been created as a promotional game of some sort for E4, but don’t let that put you off – if you liked the original, you’ll love this. It’s full of the same random, inexplicable humour and little details that made Which Way Adventure so much fun.

Check it out at, or at the author’s blog here.

  • Derek

    That is an awesome screenshot.

  • JackSnap

    “You are in the land of the double dead.”

  • Lolfo

    “The millipede has borrowed your head. Perhaps it will return it shortly.”

  • Kenzya

    Game is so good but so hard :(

  • deadeye

    Jesus, I’ve been playing this for an hour and a half and I don’t think I’ve uncovered even half of it. All I’ve found is one bug, an egg, and a piece of cheese.

    Well, I did find the Powerup, but I don’t think that’s the real ending… or is it?!?

  • deadeye

    I finally got the racket, but I can’t seem to get back to the gym to play squash once I do.

    I think this game is just fucking with me >:(

  • Mr average

    The previous one was perfect, but maybe this one is a bit too long and complex because I find it less funny.
    Too complex to give me any incentive to go and finish it.

  • rndll

    “You know you are in hell…” :-p

  • Kenzya

    Jeez, All I can find with the human is a piece of cheese and a bug.

    With the bunny, I can get an egg, a key, and a unicorn egg.. but there’s no where to go from there?

  • Terry

    Oh! I think you’re doing fairly well. There’s a machine in the human bit that lets you transform into the bunny, so you might be able to get everything…

  • deadeye

    You can get to that machine from bunny form as well.

    And I just discovered an actual *use* for one of the objects… put the unicorn horn on a different bunny and then try humping it… you’ll get something new.

    Haven’t found any uses for the other objects yet, though. Aside from the bullet-proof vest, which you can’t take out of that one area.

  • Patrick

    Has anyone found a use for the green key?

  • Genisi

    Man, this game is awesome. I really haven’t collected much, but I have been trying to find every action that can be done.

    Try and get the candy from the candy shop.

  • Patrick

    Yeah, I got the candy, but it was a long process. Seriously though: green key anyone?

  • deadeye

    I have no idea what green key you’re talking about.

    And if you really did manage to get some candy, post how. I’ve about given up on this game, I’ve already invested more time on it that just about any other browser game I’ve ever played. When you die it takes forever to get back to where you were to try something new, and it just seems like whenever I start getting somewhere, it just leads to more dead ends. I would have consulted a walkthrough already, if one existed.

  • Patrick

    Yeah, I’m searching for a walkthrough myself; here’s what I have so far. (The candy is a dead end/ending, btw).
    Start as a Human.
    Click the lightbulb.
    Head towards the Haunted house.
    Enter haunted house.
    Head N from foyer.
    W to diningroom.
    N to kitchen.
    W to pantry.
    S downstairs: Click the cheese.
    Go back upstairs, back to the foyer.
    Go NE up right stairs.
    Go E: give the cheese to the rat (click cheese). Collect egg.
    Go W, and W again. Click lightbulb. Click capacitor in TV.
    Now go back to foyer, back to pantry, back downstairs to the room with the cheese, and click the Green Tube.
    Now click the capacitor.
    Head East and collect brain egg.
    Go w, enter Yellow tube, click blue beast, and click on blue tube. Click green Tube.
    Head W, pick of vest, E, and wake up guard. Leave room and return to get raquet.
    Go S, then E, then E again.
    You should be in on a catwalk between two vats of liquid.
    Now get ready; as soon as you hit east, immediately upon entering the room click the switch on the left hand side: if you’re not quick enough you’ll die.

    Then head W and W to the change Lab, click the chamber and choose the rabbit.
    You should be a piglet.
    Head E,E,S,SE,SE,SE to the three tubes.
    Click green tube.
    Go back to the Change Lab and click rabbit again.

    Now go W,S,E,E, and click on the Honeycomb on the left.

    Then go W, NE, E, E, E, to the room with the gnats. Go N and get the key. Leave key room and go: E, NE, N, Click on the Unicorn Bunny.

    Go N, W, N, click the unicorn horn, and mate with the bunny. Collect the unicorn egg.

    Go back S,E,S,S,SW, click the hole, S, Click the hole, S, W, W, S, SE,SE,SE, go in the green tube.
    S, E, E, E, E, to bunny factory, click yellow key, collect green key.

    At this point you should have 4 eggs and one green key. Its not to hard to also get a BUG in the sewers, but i’m too lazy to explain how right now. That’s as far as i’ve gotten.

  • Terry

    A guy I know is working on a walkthrough – here’s what he’s gotten so far:

  • deadeye

    “Go back to the Change Lab and click rabbit again.”

    Goddammit. Seriously. Never tried changing to the rabbit when I already was the rabbit.

    And yeah, I know exactly where the bug is. That was actually the first thing I found.

    Does anyone know if there is any significance to picking up the 4 followers in the sewer, or is that just a gag?

  • deadeye

    Argh, I can’t stop… I just found that if you take eggs back to the sacred egg chamber, they hatch.

  • Patrick

    I…can’t stop either. It’s so frustrating. I’ve even begged the author for hints on his website. I’ve also found all “3” bugs (i.e. filled all three bug boxes).
    Leave house toward haunted mansion, click the moon. (Can be put up in tower, and then another bug appears above pool).
    Also, from the watery room (right before millipede death), if you click the left wall you can find a secret room and another bug.

  • deadeye

    “Also, from the watery room (right before millipede death), if you click the left wall you can find a secret room and another bug.”

    Nice find,but how the hell do you get past the millipede once you’ve got it? As far as I can tell there isn’t any way :(

    This game is going to be the death of me.

  • deadeye

    I don’t think it means much but I translated the latin in the manticore book.

    Cover: Something about taking a road (a paved road?)

    Page 1: “A footsoldier to the captain.”

    Page 2: “The cure is worse than the disease.”

    Page 3:
    “Dreams fail with displeasure
    As long as life remains, (something about hope)
    Bid eternal farewell
    The other word will be made.”

    It’s probably all just nonsense anyway.

  • Xotes

    Does it still have the annoying screamer-esqu things? If so, I’ll pass. I had way too many heart attacks due to the first one.

  • Ophelia

    I’m working on mapping the game… It’s hard work :(

  • hutchison

    man, you just know that you’re in hell when you have to transcribe a rebus font to find out what it says.

    I got to the squash place with a racquet but never managed to return the serve – game over :( i wish there was more manticores

  • randomnick

    How did you manage to do that? I have all the eggs and bugs and the green key, but it seems impossible to play squash in this game :O

  • deadeye

    As far as I know there is no way to leave the laboratory with the racket. I call bullshit.

    Also, the ending you get with the green key is pretty much it. There is no red key.

    I’d like to know what the devil says, but I don’t care enough any more to translate it.

  • Sarah

    No one’s mentioned the dragon-bunny! I thought it was just there to beat you and be annoying, but if you turn yourself into an ant you can control it from inside. It’s very exciting.