
By: Brandon McCartin (BMcC)

On: September 28th, 2007

ATTN: This is a whole screenshot.

Bernie time!

So, in addition to ‘A Game with a Star’, Bernie is working on a new platformer, apparently codenamed Yoghurt. (But possibly actually called Yoghurt.)

Normally I would be concerned with a developer taking on two projects at once like this, but Bernie’s proved time and again he’s man enough for the job.

As it stands now, ‘A Game with a Star’ is still a while off. Bernie says he’s been too busy with non-internet stuff — more specifically, “a relationship.” (Ooooh.) Good news is, Yoghurt’s already 2/3rds done! Delicious.

  • http://www.tscreative.net BMcC

    Thanks for the “whole” screenshot, Bernie. ;)

  • Lim-Dul

    Don’t be such an ass-whole, BMcC. :-P

  • The Children

    I don’t think that was his intention, Lim-Dul. ;)

  • ass-whole

    Hello guys.

  • http://www.cursesfoiled.co.uk BenH

    What is an relationships

  • http://www.tscreative.net BMcC

    Lim-Dul: Methinks ye misapprehend. :)

    BenH: srsly

  • http://josephkingworks.blogspot.com Joseph

    LOL at ass-whole. BEST NAME EVA!

  • http://josephkingworks.blogspot.com Joseph

    @BenH: A relationship is when you follow a girl around and collect stray hairs that fall off of her head and form it into a doll…

  • martha stewart

    more like Lim-Dull, amirite??