More Info On Bernie’s New Game

By: Brandon McCartin (BMcC)

On: June 14th, 2007

A Game with a Star?

Here are some details on Bernie’s next game (A Game with a Star, maybe?) from his site:

A) It was originally going to be a more “exploratory platformer,” but now it’s going to be much like AGwaK 1 and 2.

2) Borrowing from his adventure titles, the game will have dialog options and an inventory.

In his own words: “So all in all, it’s going to be more of the same. Gaining abilities, hidden power-ups, and a few secret levels. I’m afraid you’ll only like this if you liked my other platformers.” Good thing I did!

Mark this release down as ANTICIPATED.

  • BMcC

    Tee hee, I needed a good excuse to tag all the Bernie news. :D

  • Hayo

    I am very looking forward to this, I loved the kitty games and adore Bernies graphic style.

  • Isador21

    Why are half of the posts about awesome games that *aren’t out yet* ?!

  • Levi

    Because God hates you. Oh and the game doesn’t look too shabby either.